VAT Compliance & Health Check

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VAT Compliance Health Check

At ATF Global Services, we can conduct a “health check” on your imports to assess your present procedures, pinpoint any adjustments that are required, and make recommendations for possible enhancements and VAT savings. The purpose of our health check is to evaluate your company’s past and present Import VAT compliance to find and fix any issues that could reduce the likelihood that HMRC will issue fines.

We review several areas related to your importing and VAT activities, such as:

  • A comprehensive review of all your trade documents (purchase orders, sales invoices, import customs declarations and declared valuations)
  • Verification of VAT declarations to ensure all details are correct.
  • Import VAT payment methods, such as Deferment, Cash Accounting, Immediate Payments and Postponed VAT Accounting.
  • Checking your customs declarations and making the required amendments to guarantee compliance with VAT regulations.
  • Import VAT Certificates (C79) and Monthly Postponed Import VAT Statements (MPIVS) to ensure compliance with UK tax laws.
  • Recovery of Import VAT.

Our Import VAT Health Check

For all new clients, we offer a complimentary 30-minute consultation during which we will discuss your Import VAT, pinpoint areas for improvement, and help minimise the possible impact of any fines or penalties.

We assist businesses with international trade matters and ensure compliance with VAT regulations that apply to their imports.

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